

Flood Guideline

Landslide Guideline


The guidelines have been put together based on the real situation on the ground, available resources, lessons from the pilot case studies, case visits, and training outcomes from the project, led by the River Basin Pilot Team to ensure transfer and sustainability of the process. A collaborative effort which is an integral part of this ASEAN DRR-CCA project design.


  • To assist ASEAN member states in conducting floods and landslides risk assessment and mapping by integrating climate change impacts at river basin level; identify floods and landslide risks and associated vulnerabilities due to extreme hydrological events and future climate impacts; conduct vulnerability and damage assessment; for risk planning; and application for community-based risk management and planning.
  • To support decision-makers and technical officers plan for the integrated flood /landslide risk management and planning. It will assist relevant implementing agencies to choose best available approaches for risk assessment under a given situation and then progressively fill the identified capacity gaps.
  • To support inter-agency coordination between NDMOs and relevant agencies to promote and mainstream the application of risk knowledge in their activities
  • To present steps to establish this knowledge-based decision-making process at various levels
  • To supplement the existing risk assessment guidelines meant to deal with recurring events with reference to historical trends, a handy reference for practitioners, private sectors, development agencies involved in disaster risk management.

Key Process

  • The process adopted both top-down and bottom-up approaches in order to ensure its relevance and applicability across the ASEAN region, through the design of the project activities involving data collection, field survey/exercises (on-site learning) and trainings.
  • River basin pilot (RBP) teams were formed at national and sub-national level, comprising of members from different line ministries. The team engaged and contributed to the data collection and analysis on hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment, and development of guidelines for the integration of climate projections into risk assessments and the use of risk assessments for policy and planning purposes.
  • Data collection was carried out at three levels (national, river basin, and sub-river basin levels), from relevant governmental agencies and supplemented by open source data to examine the existing historical data/records for assessing systemic risks of flood and landslides at river basin scale.
  • Outcomes of pilot studies are culminated into training modules and guidelines for river basin wide disaster risk assessment and planning.

Structure of the guideline


ASEAN Project on Disaster Risk Reduction by Integrating Climate Change Projection into Flood and Landslide Risk Assessment (ASEAN DRR-CCA) is supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

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