“I have never seen anything like this. The noise was awful, beyond imagination. I was praying for my life.”
Days of heavy rains have triggered devastating landslides and flash floods. Tons of mud, rocks and debris from the surrounding hills slammed into our neighbourhood on the night of 3rd August, collapsing walls and filling our homes with water and mud. “I have never seen anything like this. The noise was awful, beyond imagination. I am physically blessed to be alive.” - Daw Ngwe Yin was among the many victims. She was no longer safe there.
When Daw Ngwe Yin heard about the project coming to her township, she immediately persuaded her granddaughter and neighbors to join. Through JAIF support, community-based disaster risk reduction exercise was carried out as part of the project. This was among the first platforms to bring the community, including women, together to discuss and brainstorm climate-inclusive community risk reduction.
ASEAN Project on Disaster Risk Reduction by Integrating Climate Change Projection into Flood and Landslide Risk Assessment (ASEAN DRR-CCA) is supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).